Friday, April 04, 2008

I just cannot hang

My sister, her partner, and their mothers are in town for a few days, which has been a lot of fun They live in Michigan and since we are all busy, we don't get to see each other often. But Bitch and the Exciting Conclusion played a gig at The End last night, and my sister, her partner and my step-mom are all Big Fans, so they traveled down her to see the show.

We had a really nice time at dinner (though, if anybody knows what happened to the restaurant at Coco Loco's, please let me know--they were really disappointed it was closed). And the opening acts for B+TEC were pretty good. But doors opened at the club at 9, and the first of two opening bands went on at 10:30 or so. Normally, I am in bed by 9, because I am an old fart and I need my sleep.

Anyway, it was midnight by the time B+TEC went onstage.

I now know why I never could be a rockstar. It isn't lack of ability or desire or talent.

It's because I need my sleepy time.

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